Creating a link in a Grails Service

I love how easy it is to create a link in Grails but often I want to use this same mechanism to create a link in a Service. For example, I have a service that sends out a News Report to a list of subscribers. There a links in the generated email back to the website.

Creating a link in a service turns out to be quite simple. I found this work around at

def g = new org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.ApplicationTagLib()
 def visitUs = g.createLink(controller: 'site', action: 'index', absolute: 'true')
 def manageSubscriptions = g.createLink(controller: 'comm', action: 'index', absolute: 'true')

The absolute: ‘true’ is really important as I am embedded these links in an email.

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